To a real estate company to do the show three-dimensional animation films, a small portion of the line, although now been broadcast on television, but there are still many of the deficiencies in, because all the reasons for it. I hope that their next animation can be better than this.
To a real estate company to do the show three-dimensional animation films, a small portion of the line, although now been broadcast on television, but there are still many of the deficiencies in, because all the reasons for it. I hope that their next animation can be better than this.
联合办公楼方案继续 Joint programme to continue building

Early this year to a project, in this case is a landmark in Xinjiang at the joint office of the interior design, decoration, from the programme to the construction plan is completed to spend a full 45 days time. That the programme together with the Hi really not easy, from initial design to the lobby design, is located in the early stages, in fact, the original design of the civil engineering side of the decorative design has been completed, but the Party leadership is not satisfied with the installation, so to We test the attitude is to look at our capacity. Hall and the appearance of the programme done five sets, then our Party started with a programme of four than the right, from Beijing to Tianjin to Chongqing to Shenzhen, a few months later, finally came good news that our programme is to win , The Party decided to do our construction design. Next item, can be produced by a very short time, we can only work overtime, not to sleep overnight. Drawing on the contract pay, after construction began Jiaodi, site tracking, etc. ....... now I will at that time, all of the programmes, time is short, rendering, and it is inevitable rough on the model, also called upon to understand
即将完工的项目 The project nearing completion

今年年初接的一个项目,本案是新疆口岸标志性的联合办公楼的室内外装饰设计,从方案到施工图的完成花费了整整45天的时间。说起来这个方案拿的嗨真不容易,从最初的大堂设计到外观设计,是在初设阶段,其实原来的土建设计方已经完成了装饰设计,但甲方领导不满意装设,于是交给我们以试探性的态度,是想看看我们的能力。大堂和外观方案各做了五套,于是甲方开始拿着我们的方案四处比对,从北京到天津到深圳到重庆,几个月过去了,最终传来好消息,说方案还是我们的取胜,甲方决定整体交给我们做施工设计。项目接下来了,可制作的时间已经非常短了,我们只能加班加点,通宵的不睡觉。图纸按合同交了,以后又开始施工交底,现场跟踪等等....... 现在我将当时的方案全部发上来,时间短促,在渲染和模型上难免粗糙,还请各位理解。
有感而发 Youganerfa
今早在群里因为回应了一个网友的一句话而牵出一群人在发感慨。网友说,打进国外市场用低价。我回应,最好别低价,印度人以低价占据一部分市场,但名声很烂。咱是中国人,不能像印度人那样,否则不如做国内的市场。为此引来大家的评论,又扯到了爱国上、政府上。其实我的意思无非就是在圈内形成一个价格联盟,不管是否组队,都应该鄙视那种以低价为荣的人。想想看,近几年国内的市场不就是被价格压的抬不起头吗?同行之间相互比低价,甚至有的低于成本了。如果这样,我宁愿去卖菜,而不做设计。设计本来是个很崇高的职业,不管是方案的设计,还是制作都不是随便找谁都能完成的,这种工作需要一个人的综合素质,一个团队的力量。我承认中国人不抱团,同时也承认中国人单兵作战的能力。可在国内竞争如此恶劣的情况下,不管是个人还是团队都无法抵挡低价格的冲击。试想,如果咱们进入国外市场也去主动砸价格,对自己有多少好处?本来国外的价格已经不算高了,客户在前期估价出价有的比国内的还低呢,你在自己降低价格,除了得益于客户,你还有什么好处?其实不管是在国内还是在国外,我们都是为了一张可怜的嘴,一个吃不饱的肚子,一套遥不可及的住房。总不能一辈子都租房吧。我认为我的付出,客户就该付出相应的报酬,我绝不主动降价。就像我在国内市场,很多的设计都在走所谓的低端市场,而且做到很辛苦,我在坚持自己的价位,不知道能坚持多久,正如有的客户说,谁谁谁都便宜了,你还那么高。我笑着回答,我也可以低下来,但质量也随之下来你愿意吗?后期服务 也降下来你愿意吗?低价格的道理就是一次性,正如餐厅里一次性的碗筷,咱总不能让所有的人都去高档餐厅就餐吧,低价有他生存的道理,而我也有生存的道理。但是面对国外市场,咱们不能往烂里做,否则人家会说中国人不行,不能像对中国的一些低端的客户那样,反正是一锤子买卖。咱面对外国人的时候要挺起的,即使那小胸膛不够厚不够宽,但咱的大脑里的东西只要能吸引他,他还是愿意付出相应的价格的。不过能否做出好东西还得看你的本事如何了。好了,不啰嗦了,投了俩个项目,赶紧跟踪去看看。
建筑外观模型高品质渲染 Building high-quality rendering appearance model

In guru bid on a project, because no PM, but messages to clients to look at their own blog, I do low-model, I know that customer demand is high-precision three-dimensional model of the animation can do, so I am Short period of time to create a picture of low-client model, of course, is above the tire with high-precision models do animation requirements
轮胎三维模型 tire mode

Recently busy several projects, all of the heap together, in private discussions, as well, together. And old customers can not be offended, we must cultivate more new customers, the programme was to do the old designers busy, kept overtime. Assistant designers how they have become more important things. The programme is the most difficult for engineers Zhuchuang Miss. He also is a programme designed to find fault with the people. At noon we meet together to discuss how to better co-ordination can not work are concentrated in Wu's possession. Wu made a very good proposal, designed so that the rights of the design assistant can do the work, not afraid of hard work arrangements can not refuse, take the initiative to undertake the work, after the last few days with the pilot, I feel this is quite a scientific approach . Members unanimously endorsed.
天热心烦,忙率无果......Upset hot days, the peak rate without results ......
The days of crazy people, the feelings are Haobu day, tell their own efforts, gearing up for this week. Wife in the seat next to me in his busy work. He is a Gongzuo Kuang, for each programme are fully committed to innovation. 10 years he did not repeat the programme, and even similar to almost all not find, his aides and colleagues often say that doing not to tune out before the programme a little improvement, they are not tired also can be used. He said that not the case, the customer is irresponsible. Let's customers since the resumption of the money from customers to the right. Members said that, no wonder you so tired. He said it was behind Hensha, it was also said that he and his hard. I do not know how to persuade him that his idea may be correct, but to see him so hard, I also distressed, I also hope that he can easily point. He does not allow the designer to draw his two similar plans, such a thing there, he will Fapi Qi. In fact, I sometimes also advised him that doing so Leiya, Qiao find points to a number of knowledgeable customers, after all, We both are experts ah. He said I was angry the irresponsible behavior. Said the programme to do more, be more relaxed and this is his temper and improve, not entirely for customers, when Let's programme in the region has been at the forefront of the country out in front, is it not for many years The responsibility and professional ethics and keep a good programme to win the right » Copying themselves and others is the failure of the programme began.
Even so responsible, there is still Name Xie, Qian Qian, telling the truth, I feel very sorry for money, others do not mean that no money is to find ways to evade. Money is an art, it seems that I have had to learn how to ask for money.
Even so responsible, there is still Name Xie, Qian Qian, telling the truth, I feel very sorry for money, others do not mean that no money is to find ways to evade. Money is an art, it seems that I have had to learn how to ask for money.
加班再次开始 Once again began to work overtime
Began to work overtime, often kept more than 10 years of overtime, the industry is with youth and health in other living expenses, my companions often said that for decades 1, tasteless, ah, Kua. To a programme to the headache, that the programme was adopted, that moment of happiness replaced by the hard over the past few days. Have good customers, you can go all out to play, you trust a capacity Zailei also worth; Budongzhuangdong encountered, but also find fault with the customer, we will recognize are unlucky, or simply give up such a customer. Our designers can Qionga China, in order to fight a Zheyaoshan metres of the things I have done, but ah. Communication is not an easy task to design the customers are very difficult, I would like to make friends and customers and some customers have become my friends. Do not leave that person in advance, in time, capacity within the scope of things, never mind Qubang Our help. New to the staff and to a few and the staff are relatively young, the programme also need to increase capacity, many important space they can not complete Hey, in order to the customer is responsible for the old designer with young people to join the overtime. Hard, companions, in order to Let's goal, to struggle together!
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